I would dearly love to collect up my lifetime of wishes in a bundle. Relics of hopes and dreams.. confirming the ones that were realized.
I think a great many of these wishes of mine came to fruition. The ones crumpled in chubby hands, of barbies and fairy bread and Polly Pocket's friendship. Simple and pure.
Sometimes I would write them on patterned paper, and hide them under my pillow. I have tied them with string and buried them under trees. We have etched them in wax and burnt them as candles.
Broken wishbones, christmas crackers and whispered requests to worry dolls.
No matter the way, nor the reason, I have managed to have much success in my wishmaking. Maybe it comes with a faith in the world. Maybe we must be the other half in our quest for dreams. Maybe those people we have loved and lost in the past now provide for our future. Or perhaps.. fairies really do exist.
I believe the answer to wishes is this..
If it has not come true, it was best that it didn't. Trust in that.
And don't put wishing aside as you grow older, as this is the time we need it most.