Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sharing sand.

If the sand between your toes feels right, then run and skip and laugh and jump.
If its more at home in your hands and your hair, then roll and gather it to take with you as a reminder of what it is to be part of the earth around you.


It rained today so I sat on the floor and created a small world around me.
Like a nest I padded it with things I love, teacups and ribbons, old books and erratic jewels.
Littered around me amongst scraps of fabric and discarded pencils, lay thoughts that broke on arrival.
They scampered from view and took shelter behind crumpled paper and extra thread that went astray.
I don't blame them really, a mess such as a busy mind is something to escape from at any rate.
Next time I'll trap each thought in a notepad, as the title for a list.
That'll show 'em.