Monday, January 11, 2010

A letter to nobody.

You see through my basics. An eye that's uninhibited, perusing a naked soul.

You steal from me my words. They're held tightly in your smile. Obliterating my vocabulary with every glance at it's perfection.

You spin my heart in circles. Dancing with it tenderly, adhering your step to it's every beat.

You share with me a secret. I know not it's meaning but it's wrapped in simple paper and I keep it hidden behind my shoulder.

You stroke my nervous mind to silence. Soft is the movement, soothing fears and extracting the confusion from worry.

You are the core of the question. Emanating new wonder with your existence and stirring dormant mind and enthusing a sleeping adventure.

You are not anyone nor someone. You are a weakness. You are a strength. You belong to no-one, and yet, with your presence, are everything.

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